Voucher Programs Information

Section 8 is a rental subsidy program dedicated to assisting eligible tenants in units on the open market. The objective is to provide safe, decent, sanitary, and affordable housing for low income families who are holding a Voucher issued by the program. Section 8 does not interfere with landlord/tenant relationship, but acts as mediator when necessary to resolve conflict. The landlord retains the right to screen prospective tenants, select tenants, and to evict for good cause.

Landlords who are interested in renting to Section 8 participants can have their name and phone number placed on the “Prospective Landlord/Unit Listing”. Eligible applicants from the waiting list are briefed and issued a Housing Choice Voucher. The voucher specifies the number of bedrooms needed and timeframe within which to find a unit. Tenants are also given listings of interested landlords to help them in finding a unit.

Section 8 recipients may find a unit by using the listing, reading the paper, or by word of mouth. Renting from a family member is generally not allowed. In very specific circumstances, it may be permitted, but it requires written approval from the Housing Authority. When a tenant secures a unit, the landlord and tenant will complete the Request for Tenancy Approval and submit it to the Section 8 office.

The Request for Tenancy Approval gives the Section 8 office permission to inspect a unit on behalf of the tenant. It is the owner/managers responsibility to contact the Section 8 Inspector to set up an inspection appointment.

Once the unit passes inspection, the owner can allow the tenant to move in. The KCKHA discourages landlords from allowing tenants to move in prior to the unit passing inspection and a rent amount being agreed upon. If the unit passes inspection prior to the 20th of the month, the rent will be prorated, if occupied by the tenant. If the unit does not pass inspection until after the 20th of the month, no prorated rent will be paid for that month. The effective date will become the 1st of the next month. The owner/landlord will receive a letter notifying them to come into the Section 8 office to sign the HAP contract and provide a signed copy of the lease. The dates on the lease must coincide with the dates on the HAP contract. All HAP contracts must be signed within 60 days of the effective date; otherwise, HUD does not allow the KCKHA to pay the landlord.

The owner/landlord agrees to maintain and operate the property in accordance with the Housing Quality Standards (HQS), permit the unit to be inspected, notify Section 8 staff of any unscheduled move-outs by the tenants, maintain a current city rental license, and keep all real estate property taxes current. The owner agrees to comply with Form HUD-52641 and HUD-52641A.